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Be As You Are by Sri Ramana Maharshi


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Main Idea

The main idea of “Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi” is to provide guidance for individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment through self-inquiry and surrender. Sri Ramana Maharshi, an Indian sage and spiritual teacher, teaches that the true nature of the self is not the body or the mind, but an unchanging awareness that underlies all experience. He emphasizes the importance of turning inward to investigate the nature of the self through self-inquiry, which involves asking the question “Who am I?” and investigating the source of our thoughts and emotions.

Sri Ramana Maharshi also teaches that the ego, or the sense of “I” that we identify with, is an illusion created by the mind and can be transcended through surrender to a higher power. He emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-realization, which involves the direct experience of the self free from the limitations of the ego.

Overall, the main idea of the book is to provide practical guidance for those seeking to achieve spiritual enlightenment through self-inquiry, surrender, and the direct experience of the true nature of the self.

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“Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi” is a comprehensive guide to spiritual enlightenment that covers a range of topics related to the nature of the self and the path to self-realization. Here are five simple concepts that are explained in the book:

  1. The Nature of the Self: Sri Ramana Maharshi teaches that the self is not the body or the mind, but rather an unchanging awareness that underlies all experience. Through self-inquiry, one can come to a direct experience of the self and realize that it is not separate from the world around us.
  2. Self-Inquiry: Self-inquiry is the practice of turning inward to investigate the nature of the self. Sri Ramana Maharshi teaches that by asking the question “Who am I?” and investigating the source of our thoughts and emotions, we can come to a direct experience of the self.
  3. The Illusion of the Ego: Sri Ramana Maharshi teaches that the ego, or the sense of “I” that we identify with, is an illusion created by the mind. Through self-inquiry, one can come to see that the ego is not a fixed entity, but rather a collection of thoughts and beliefs.
  4. Surrender: Surrender is the practice of letting go of our attachment to the ego and surrendering ourselves to a higher power. Sri Ramana Maharshi teaches that surrender is an important part of the spiritual path and can help us to transcend the limitations of the ego.
  5. The Importance of Self-Realization: Self-realization is the direct experience of the self, free from the limitations of the ego. Sri Ramana Maharshi teaches that self-realization is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice and that it can bring lasting peace and happiness to our lives.

These concepts are presented in a clear and accessible manner in “Be As You Are” and provide practical guidance for those seeking to achieve spiritual enlightenment.


Here are 10 of the best quotes from the book:

  1. “Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
  2. “The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”
  3. “Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”
  4. “The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one.”
  5. “The only way to be rid of the ego is to find its source and hold onto it.”
  6. “Surrender does not mean mere words, but a state of mind that has given up all.”
  7. “The inquiry ‘Who am I?’ ultimately leads to the realization of the Self.”
  8. “Meditation is not a means to an end; it is both the means and the end.”
  9. “The highest spiritual practice is self-enquiry, the direct path to Self-realization.”
  10. “The Self is always present, it only needs to be realized.”

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Be As You Are: A Comprehensive Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Are you looking for practical advice on how to achieve spiritual enlightenment? Look no further than “Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.” Edited by David Godman, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the teachings of one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the 20th century.

The book is organized into chapters that cover a range of topics, from the nature of the self to the practice of self-inquiry. Each chapter includes helpful introductions that contextualize the teachings, making it easy for readers to navigate through the material. The language is straightforward and accessible, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced practitioners of spirituality.

One of the key teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi is the importance of self-inquiry, the practice of turning inward to understand the nature of the self. The book provides practical advice for those seeking to engage in this practice, including specific techniques for self-inquiry and insights into the obstacles that can arise on the path to self-realization.

While the book can be dense at times and may be challenging for some readers, the insights and wisdom it offers are well worth the effort. It provides a deep understanding of the nature of the self and the path to spiritual enlightenment, making it an excellent resource for anyone interested in the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

In conclusion, “Be As You Are” is a comprehensive guide to the teachings of one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the 20th century. It offers practical advice for those seeking to achieve spiritual enlightenment and provides a deep understanding of the nature of the self. If you are interested in spirituality and seeking practical advice for your spiritual development, this book is well worth your time and effort.


“Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi” offers profound insights and lessons about the nature of the self and the path to self-realization. Here are ten lessons that can be learned from this book:

  1. The self is not the body or the mind, but an unchanging awareness that underlies all experience.
  2. Self-inquiry is the practice of turning inward to investigate the nature of the self and can lead to self-realization.
  3. The ego is an illusion created by the mind and can be transcended through self-inquiry and surrender.
  4. Happiness is our nature and can be found within ourselves.
  5. Meditation is not a means to an end, but a state of being that can be cultivated through practice.
  6. The highest spiritual practice is self-inquiry, which involves investigating the source of our thoughts and emotions.
  7. Surrender is an important part of the spiritual path and involves letting go of our attachment to the ego.
  8. Self-realization is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice and can bring lasting peace and happiness.
  9. A mind is a powerful tool that can be used for our own benefit or to create suffering.
  10. The self is always present and only needs to be realized through self-inquiry and surrender.

These lessons provide practical guidance for those seeking to achieve spiritual enlightenment and can help us to live more meaningful and fulfilling life.

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Adventurous Dolphins can go ahead and read the entire book by themselves.


My Review

Book Title: Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi

Author: Edited by David Godman

Pages: 288 pages

Duration to read: Approximately 8-10 hours

Rating: 3/5

Genre: Spirituality/Philosophy

Pros: The book provides a comprehensive overview of the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the 20th century, in a clear and accessible manner. The book is well-organized, making it easy to navigate through the teachings, and it includes helpful introductions to each chapter. The language is straightforward and the concepts are presented in a relatable way, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced practitioners of spirituality.

Cons: The book can be repetitive at times, and some readers may find the content to be too dense or esoteric.

One-Sentence Summary: Be As You Are is a comprehensive guide to the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, providing practical advice for those seeking spiritual enlightenment.

Likes: I appreciated the clarity and simplicity with which the teachings were presented, as well as the practical advice offered to readers. The book provided a deep understanding of the nature of self-inquiry and the path to self-realization, which I found to be both insightful and inspiring.

Dislikes: While I found the book to be generally well-written and engaging, there were moments when the repetition of certain concepts felt tedious.

Conclusion: Be As You Are is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, and for those seeking practical advice for spiritual development. While it may be challenging at times, the book is well worth the effort for its insights and wisdom.

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