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Mahabharata 14: Yudhishthira’s Reverence

In the Mahabharata, just before the great war of Kurukshetra began, Yudhishthira demonstrated profound respect and humility. As the eldest Pandava, he was committed to righteousness. Before the battle commenced, he took an unexpected step that left everyone astonished.

Yudhishthira descended from his chariot and walked towards the Kaurava camp. The air was tense, and the warriors on both sides watched in silence. He approached Bhishma Pitamaha, the grand elder and revered warrior. Bhishma had pledged his allegiance to the Kauravas, yet Yudhishthira’s respect for him remained unwavering.

Yudhishthira bowed deeply before Bhishma. “Pitamaha, please give me your blessings to fight with you,” he requested. Bhishma, moved by Yudhishthira’s gesture, blessed him with a heavy heart. “May you be victorious, Yudhishthira,” he said, knowing that his blessing was for a righteous cause.

Yudhishthira then proceeded to seek blessings from other elders on the Kaurava side, including Dronacharya and Kripacharya. Each elder, bound by duty to the Kauravas but acknowledging the righteousness of Yudhishthira, blessed him sincerely.

This act of Yudhishthira exemplified his unwavering respect for dharma and his elders, despite the impending conflict. It highlighted the complex emotions and deep respect underlying the fierce battle. Yudhishthira’s humility and adherence to dharma were evident as he sought blessings from those he was about to fight, showing that even in war, respect and righteousness must prevail.

This story serves as a reminder of the importance of humility, respect, and adhering to one’s principles, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Mahabharata 15: Difference Between Bhima & Duryodhana


