Home » Book Summaries » No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover


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Main Idea

The main idea of “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert A. Glover is to challenge the notion that excessive niceness is always a positive trait and to help individuals break free from the toxic behaviors and mindset associated with the “Nice Guy” syndrome. Glover argues that many men who identify as “nice guys” often sacrifice their own needs, seek validation through approval, and avoid conflict, leading to dissatisfaction, strained relationships, and emotional struggles.

The book emphasizes the importance of embracing authenticity, developing healthy self-esteem, establishing boundaries, and pursuing personal passions. Glover provides practical strategies, exercises, and insights to help readers recognize and overcome the negative patterns associated with the “Nice Guy” syndrome. By prioritizing their own well-being, communicating their needs openly, setting and maintaining boundaries, and pursuing personal growth, individuals can foster healthier relationships, greater self-fulfillment, and a more genuine sense of self.

Ultimately, the main idea of the book is to empower individuals to let go of the need for constant approval, embrace their authenticity, and cultivate a fulfilling life by prioritizing their own needs, desires, and personal growth. It encourages readers to break free from societal expectations, reclaim their power, and build meaningful relationships based on authenticity, self-respect, and mutual respect.

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  1. The “Nice Guy” Syndrome: The book delves into the concept of the “Nice Guy” syndrome, where men often prioritize others’ needs above their own, seek validation through approval, and avoid conflict. For example, a “nice guy” might constantly agree with others to avoid confrontation, even if it means sacrificing their own desires and values.
  2. Covert Contracts: Robert A. Glover introduces the concept of covert contracts, which are unspoken expectations that “nice guys” have in relationships. These contracts involve doing favors or being overly accommodating with the expectation of receiving something in return, such as love, appreciation, or sex. An example would be a “nice guy” doing household chores for his partner in hopes of receiving affection, without directly communicating his needs.
  3. Building Self-Esteem: The book emphasizes the importance of developing healthy self-esteem. Glover provides exercises and strategies to help “nice guys” recognize their inherent worth, build confidence, and engage in self-care activities. For instance, he encourages readers to list their accomplishments, strengths, and values to reinforce a positive self-image.
  4. Establishing Boundaries: No More Mr. Nice Guy highlights the significance of setting boundaries in relationships. The book illustrates how “nice guys” often struggle with asserting themselves and may allow others to take advantage of their kindness. An example of setting a boundary could be expressing discomfort when someone consistently disregards personal boundaries and respectfully communicates the need for change.
  5. Pursuing Personal Interests: The book encourages “nice guys” to pursue their own passions and interests instead of constantly seeking approval or validation from others. By engaging in activities that bring fulfillment and joy, men can develop a sense of individuality and become more attractive in their relationships. For example, a “nice guy” might start dedicating time to a hobby or take a class to explore personal interests independently of others’ opinions.

These concepts, along with various real-life examples shared in the book, aim to help readers understand the negative patterns they might be caught in and provide practical strategies to overcome them, fostering personal growth and healthier relationships.


Here are 10 of the best quotes from the book:

  1. “Breaking free from the ‘Nice Guy’ syndrome starts with embracing your authentic self and prioritizing your needs.”
  2. “Covert contracts are silent killers of relationships. Speak your needs openly and honestly, without hidden expectations.”
  3. “Self-esteem is not selfish; it’s the foundation of a fulfilling life. Embrace your worth and celebrate your strengths.”
  4. “Boundaries are essential for self-respect and healthy relationships. Set them, communicate them, and honor them.”
  5. “Don’t trade your authenticity for approval. Pursue your passions unapologetically and watch your confidence soar.”
  6. “Being ‘nice’ should never mean sacrificing your own happiness. Prioritize self-care and create a life that fulfills you.”
  7. “You can’t please everyone, and that’s okay. Focus on being true to yourself and attracting those who appreciate you for who you are.”
  8. “Don’t wait for others to fulfill your needs. Take responsibility for your own happiness and create the life you desire.”
  9. “Authenticity is magnetic. Embrace your quirks, flaws, and uniqueness, and watch how it attracts genuine connections.”
  10. “Break free from the ‘Nice Guy’ role and step into your authentic power. You deserve happiness, fulfillment, and meaningful relationships.”

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Breaking Free: Embracing Authentic Masculinity and Personal Power

“No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Robert A. Glover is a book that explores the concept of “nice guy syndrome” and offers practical advice to help men overcome it. This book is a guide for men who struggle with being too passive and accommodating in their personal and professional lives.

Glover argues that the “nice guy syndrome” is a result of cultural conditioning that teaches men to suppress their desires and emotions in order to be seen as respectable and likable. This conditioning can be traced back to childhood, where boys are taught to be “good boys” who don’t cry, don’t complain, and always put others first. As a result, many men grow up believing that their own needs and desires are less important than those of others.

One of the key takeaways from the book is the importance of setting boundaries. Nice guys often have a hard time saying no or standing up for themselves, which can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration. Glover encourages readers to identify their own needs and desires and to communicate them clearly and assertively. By doing this, they can build healthier relationships and avoid being taken advantage of by others.

Another important concept in the book is the idea of “integrating the shadow.” This means recognizing and accepting the parts of yourself that you might be ashamed of or try to hide from others. Many nice guys have a “dark side” that they try to keep hidden, such as anger, jealousy, or sexual desire. By embracing these parts of themselves, they can become more authentic and confident people.

Glover also explores the role of shame in the nice guy syndrome. Nice guys often feel ashamed of their desires and needs, which they see as selfish or inappropriate. This shame can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors and a lack of self-esteem. Glover encourages readers to challenge the shame and guilt they feel and to practice self-compassion and self-acceptance.

Moreover, the book encourages men to challenge traditional notions of masculinity and embrace their own unique identities. Glover argues that men should be free to express their emotions and desires without fear of being judged or ridiculed. He also encourages men to take responsibility for their own lives and to stop blaming others for their problems.

Overall, “No More Mr. Nice Guy” is a thought-provoking read that challenges traditional notions of masculinity and encourages men to embrace their own unique identities. It offers practical advice and exercises to help readers break free from the “nice guy” trap and start living life on their own terms. If you’re ready to let go of the people-pleasing and start prioritizing your own needs and desires, this book is definitely worth a read.


  1. Lesson: Recognize the importance of self-acceptance.
    Example: Instead of constantly seeking validation from others, embrace your authentic self, flaws, and all.
    Actionable advice: Make a list of your strengths, accomplishments, and positive qualities. Remind yourself of these regularly to build self-acceptance and confidence.
  2. Lesson: Prioritize self-care and personal growth.
    Example: Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy, whether it’s pursuing a hobby, engaging in physical exercise, or practicing mindfulness.
    Actionable advice: Schedule regular self-care activities in your calendar and commit to them just as you would any other appointment.
  3. Lesson: Communicate your needs and desires openly.
    Example: Instead of expecting others to guess what you want, express your needs directly and clearly in a respectful manner.
    Actionable advice: Practice assertive communication by using “I” statements to express your desires, emotions, and boundaries.
  4. Lesson: Set and maintain healthy boundaries.
    Example: Clearly define what is acceptable and unacceptable in your relationships, and communicate those boundaries to others.
    Actionable advice: Take note of situations where you feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of, and assertively communicate your boundaries to prevent future occurrences.
  5. Lesson: Embrace vulnerability and share your authentic self.
    Example: Open up about your fears, dreams, and struggles with trusted friends or loved ones, fostering deeper connections.
    Actionable advice: Practice vulnerability by sharing something personal with someone you trust, and observe how it strengthens your relationship.
  6. Lesson: Let go of the need for constant approval.
    Example: Instead of seeking validation from others, focus on validating yourself and your own choices.
    Actionable advice: Challenge the need for external approval by making decisions based on your values and desires, rather than seeking validation from others.
  7. Lesson: Take responsibility for your own happiness.
    Example: Understand that your happiness is your own responsibility and cannot solely depend on others.
    Actionable advice: Engage in activities that bring you joy, cultivate gratitude, and focus on self-improvement to create a fulfilling life for yourself.
  8. Lesson: Embrace discomfort and face your fears.
    Example: Step outside your comfort zone and tackle challenges that push your boundaries, leading to personal growth.
    Actionable advice: Identify a fear or discomfort you have been avoiding and take small steps toward confronting it. Gradually expand your comfort zone.
  9. Lesson: Practice self-compassion and forgive yourself for mistakes.
    Example: Instead of dwelling on past failures, treat yourself with kindness and learn from those experiences.
    Actionable advice: When you make a mistake, acknowledge it, learn from it, and remind yourself that it’s part of the learning process. Practice self-compassion by speaking to yourself with kindness.
  10. Lesson: Cultivate a supportive network of like-minded individuals.
    Example: Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, and who share similar values and aspirations.
    Actionable advice: Seek out communities, groups, or organizations aligned with your interests or goals. Engage in activities that allow you to connect with individuals who share similar passions and values.

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Adventurous Dolphins can go ahead and read the entire book by themselves.


My Review

Title: No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover

Pages: 250

Duration to read: Approximately 7-8 hours

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)

Genre: Self-help, Psychology

One-sentence summary: No More Mr. Nice Guy is a powerful self-help book that explores the toxic behaviors and mindset of “nice guys” and provides practical strategies for personal growth and building healthy relationships.


  1. Eye-opening insights: The book offers a deep understanding of the “nice guy syndrome,” uncovering the hidden reasons behind self-sabotaging behaviors and the emotional struggles many men face.
  2. Practical advice: Glover provides actionable techniques and exercises that help readers break free from negative patterns, enhance self-esteem, establish boundaries, and improve their relationships.
  3. Engaging writing style: The author’s conversational tone and relatable anecdotes make the book an easy and enjoyable read, keeping readers engaged throughout.
  4. Empowering perspective: No More Mr. Nice Guy encourages men to embrace their authentic selves, prioritize their needs and desires, and develop healthy masculinity.


  1. Generalization: At times, the book tends to oversimplify complex issues and may overlook the fact that not all “nice guys” exhibit the same behaviors or motivations.
  2. Lack of diversity: The book predominantly focuses on the experiences of heterosexual men, which may limit its applicability to individuals from different backgrounds.

Conclusion: No More Mr. Nice Guy is a transformative read that sheds light on the detrimental effects of the “nice guy” mentality, empowering readers to cultivate genuine self-worth, build healthier relationships, and lead more fulfilling lives. While it may have some limitations in terms of generalizations and diversity, the book’s valuable insights and practical strategies make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking personal growth and improved interpersonal connections.

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