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Tag: Cultural heritage

  • The Visual Illusions of the Taj-Mahal: Exploring Architectural Marvels

    The Visual Illusions of the Taj-Mahal: Exploring Architectural Marvels

    “Shah Jahan, the ruler of the World, said to his beloved, ‘Stray not far from this garden. I am an old man and cannot walk, my love.’ And the young queen said, ‘Let us build a tomb here, the world Has never seen such beauty as this.'” – Rabindranath Tagore, “Gitanjali” Introduction Taj Mahal, the…

  • Baak: The Terrifying Horror Stories of Assam

    Baak: The Terrifying Horror Stories of Assam

    Introduction to Baak stories of Assam Assam, a northeastern state in India, is known for its rich culture and traditions. One aspect of its culture is its folklore, which includes many horror stories that have been passed down through generations. In this article, we will explore some of the most spine-chilling horror stories from Assam,…

  • Karinthandan’s Revenge: The Horrifying Tale of Kerala’s Tribal Leader

    Karinthandan’s Revenge: The Horrifying Tale of Kerala’s Tribal Leader

    Introduction to Karinthandan, a legendary figure from Kerala Karinthandan, also known as Karinthandan Chamundi, is a legendary figure from Kerala, a southern state in India. According to folklore, Karinthandan was a tribal leader who played a pivotal role in guiding the British to the hills of Wayanad in Kerala during the colonial era. However, the…

  • Exploring the Mystical World of Imoogi: A Fascinating Aspect of Korean Folklore

    Exploring the Mystical World of Imoogi: A Fascinating Aspect of Korean Folklore

    Introduction to the Imoogi in Korean Folklore In Korean folklore, Imoogi is a mythical creature that resembles a dragon or serpent. According to legend, Imoogi is said to be a giant serpent that possesses the power of transformation, able to transform into a human being or other creatures. This creature has been a part of…