Tag: Success
Exploring the Mythology of Giants
Introduction Giants have captured our imaginations for centuries. Whether it’s the towering figures of mythology or the towering athletes of sports, the idea of the giant has always fascinated us. In this article, we will explore the idea of giants and what they mean to us. Defining Giants First, let’s define what we mean by…
A New Approach to Learning: Using Pre-Mortems to Think Ahead and Avoid Mistakes
The Problem with Postmortems Postmortems are commonly conducted after a project or task is completed, in order to analyze the successes and failures of the effort. While postmortems can be a valuable learning experience, they are often reactive in nature and don’t necessarily help prevent future mistakes. That’s why a new approach to learning has…
The Magic of Thinking Big
by David J. Schwartz https://amzn.to/4a0FF5Z Busy Bee Section https://amzn.to/4a0FF5Z Main Idea The main idea of “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz is that success in life is largely determined by the way we think. The author argues that many people limit themselves by thinking small and failing to believe in their own…
Higher Expectations, Better Performance: The Pygmalion Effect
Introduction to the Pygmalion and Golem Effects The Pygmalion effect and the Golem effect are two well-known phenomena that are related to how expectations can impact performance. These concepts have been studied extensively in the fields of psychology and management, and understanding them can be helpful in a variety of contexts, from personal relationships to…
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
https://amzn.to/481WETs Busy Bee Section https://amzn.to/481WETs Main Idea The main idea of “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen is that our thoughts have a powerful influence on our lives. The book argues that our thoughts and beliefs shape our actions and outcomes in life and that by learning to control and shape our thoughts, we…