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The Animal Within: Unveiling the Essence of Our Decisions

Philosophical Exploration Series – 6

Consciousness yearns free,
Embrace choices, animal within,
Unveil truth, find peace.


Human beings are complex creatures, driven by a multitude of motivations and influences. While we may pride ourselves on our rationality and intellect, it is intriguing to explore the notion that our decisions often stem from a more primal source – the animal within us. In this philosophical exploration, we delve into the fundamental choices we make and the implications they hold. We uncover the relationship between our desire for association and our responsibility for our actions. Furthermore, we examine the role of Prakriti, the physical nature that surrounds us, and the significance of decentralization, validation, and forgiveness in our journey toward self-discovery and liberation.

The Primal Choice

“Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose yours.”

– Paulo Coelho

At the core of our decision-making lies the pivotal choice of whether or not to get associated. By claiming ownership of our actions, we acknowledge our willingness to embrace responsibility. Conversely, when we absolve ourselves of this responsibility, we relinquish our power to shape our lives. This choice not only reflects our understanding of ourselves but also sets the stage for the unfolding of our journey.

Keeping Away from Prakriti

“The moment you say ‘I am not taking ownership of these actions,’ the choice is made.”


Prakriti, the physical nature that encompasses our world, possesses an inherent wisdom. Our responsibility lies not in meddling with its affairs but in keeping away, allowing it to function according to its own design. Embracing this perspective requires decentralization and the devolution of power. However, our innate desire for control often hinders our ability to let go. This control-freak nature impedes our understanding of the innate intelligence of Prakriti, which knows best how to navigate its own domain.

Validation from the True Self

Seeking validation from external sources often leads to a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. True fulfillment can only be attained by validating ourselves through the lens of our true self. When we detach from societal expectations and norms, we liberate ourselves from the need for approval. This alignment with our authentic being enables us to make choices that resonate with our deepest desires, fostering a harmonious relationship between our inner and outer worlds.

Jungle Behavior in Corporate Spaces

Despite our claim to sophistication, we often witness the replication of jungle behavior within corporate environments. The cutthroat competition, power struggles, and manipulative tactics employed by individuals reveal the remnants of our primal instincts. By acknowledging and addressing this aspect of ourselves, we can strive for a more compassionate, collaborative, and ethical approach to the business world.

The Body is a Tricky Servant

While caring for our physical bodies is important, it is crucial to recognize that our bodies can be deceptive servants. Even when we treat them as mere instruments to fulfill our desires, they possess their own agenda. The body’s trickery lies in its ability to sway us towards temporary pleasures and distractions, often compromising our long-term well-being. It is essential to approach the care of our bodies with caution and mindfulness, striking a balance between nurturing and transcending their limitations.

Forgiveness, Aloofness, and Detachment

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

The concepts of forgiveness, aloofness, and detachment are often misconstrued as signs of weakness. However, they require tremendous strength and self-awareness to embody fully. True forgiveness is not a cover-up but a release from the burden of resentment and the transformative power of compassion. Similarly, aloofness and detachment do not imply indifference or apathy. Instead, they represent a state of non-attachment, enabling us to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and serenity.


In our quest for understanding the essence of decision-making, we have explored the influence of the animal within us. We have recognized the significance of the primal choice of association and responsibility. We have acknowledged the wisdom embedded in Prakriti and the challenges of decentralization. We have emphasized the importance of seeking validation from our true selves, rather than external sources. Furthermore, we have examined the parallels between jungle behavior and corporate environments, the complexities of the body as a servant, and the strength required for forgiveness, aloofness, and detachment. By unraveling these philosophical threads, we invite contemplation, self-reflection, and a deeper connection to our authentic selves.

“The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self.”

– Albert Einstein
Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Practical Application in Day-to-Day Life

Understanding the philosophical concepts presented above is one thing, but incorporating them into our day-to-day lives is where true growth and transformation occur. Here, we explore practical applications of the ideas discussed, empowering us to make conscious choices and foster personal evolution.

  1. Embracing Responsibility: Recognize that every decision you make has consequences, and taking ownership of your actions is crucial. By acknowledging your role in shaping your life, you empower yourself to make intentional choices aligned with your values. Reflect on your decisions regularly and hold yourself accountable for their outcomes.
  2. Letting Go of Control: Practice decentralization by relinquishing the need for absolute control. Trust in the natural flow of life and accept that not everything can be manipulated according to your desires. Cultivate patience and adaptability, allowing Prakriti to unfold in its own wisdom. This shift in perspective can reduce stress, increase acceptance, and open doors to unforeseen opportunities.
  3. Self-Validation: Seek validation from within rather than relying solely on external sources. Connect with your true self through introspection, meditation, or journaling. Identify your core values and use them as a compass for decision-making. Trust your intuition and have faith in your abilities. By validating yourself, you become less dependent on external approval and more attuned to your authentic desires.
  4. Mindful Body Awareness: Care for your physical body with mindfulness and self-compassion. Listen to its needs, nourish it with balanced nutrition, engage in regular exercise, and prioritize restorative sleep. However, be mindful of the body’s tendency to distract and indulge in momentary pleasures. Strive for a harmonious relationship with your body, treating it as a servant rather than letting it dictate your actions.
  5. Compassionate Interactions: Recognize the interplay between the animal within and the social dynamics in your daily interactions. When faced with conflicts or power struggles, strive to respond with compassion and empathy rather than resorting to jungle-like behavior. Practice active listening, seek common ground, and prioritize cooperation over competition. By embodying compassion in your interactions, you contribute to a more harmonious and ethical society.
  6. Forgiveness and Detachment: Cultivate forgiveness as a means of liberation, both for yourself and others. Release resentment and grudges, understanding that forgiveness does not condone harmful actions but frees you from the burden of negativity. Additionally, practice detachment by observing situations with a broader perspective. Avoid getting entangled in unnecessary drama or emotional reactivity, allowing yourself to remain centered and objective.
  7. Continuous Reflection and Growth: Regularly engage in self-reflection and introspection. Set aside dedicated time for contemplation, meditation, or mindfulness practices. Review your choices and actions, considering how they align with your values and aspirations. Embrace opportunities for personal growth, learning, and self-improvement. By consistently seeking self-awareness, you pave the way for ongoing development and transformation.

Incorporating these practical applications into your daily life will require patience, commitment, and self-discipline. Remember that personal growth is a lifelong journey, and progress may not always be linear. Embrace the process, be gentle with yourself, and celebrate the small victories along the way. By integrating these principles, you can navigate life with greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

My Final Thoughts

Amidst the complexities of our existence, it is vital to remember our true essence. We are not merely cells or bodies, but confined consciousness yearning for liberation. Embrace this awareness and embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the layers that bind us and embracing the freedom that awaits.

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

– Rumi

Dive Deeper

Book Recommendation

“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle


One book that complements the philosophical themes explored above is “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. This transformative book offers profound insights into the nature of consciousness, the power of living in the present moment, and the liberation that comes from transcending the egoic mind. It provides practical guidance on how to cultivate awareness, detach from destructive thought patterns, and find inner peace amidst the challenges of daily life. “The Power of Now” serves as a powerful companion in the quest for self-realization and aligning our choices with a deeper sense of purpose and authenticity.

Documentary/ Video

“Baraka” Directed by Ron Fricke

One highly recommended documentary that aligns with the philosophical themes discussed is “Baraka.” Directed by Ron Fricke, “Baraka” is a visually stunning non-narrative film that takes viewers on a transcendent journey across various cultures, landscapes, and human experiences. Through mesmerizing visuals and a captivating soundtrack, the film explores themes of interconnectedness, the human condition, and our relationship with the natural world. “Baraka” offers a thought-provoking and deeply moving cinematic experience, encouraging reflection on the profound beauty and complexity of existence.

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